
--------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "The Wackers"
Date: 10 Nov 2001

So happy to hear from you! Yes, of course I remember you. Don't you remember that you and I were best friends in fourth grade? And that everybody thought we were sisters because our hair was cut the same and we have the same color hair and eyes....., remember? I still have our fourth grade class picture in a memory box somewhere..... It was purely by accident that I logged on to It popped up on the search engine I was using and I decided to investigate... I was so surprised to find our class. And, you won't believe this, but I live in Imperial Valley, California, about 90 miles south of Palm Desert, which is where my folks live, and I'm there regularly. I can't believe I was so close to the reunion--and yet so far away... I've also heard from Gary Johnson. I remember him clear back to second grade. I talked to his wife, Karen, on the phone. (Gary was out of town) We had a really nice visit. I told some stories on Gary......He's going to call when he gets back from Florida....

I would LOVE to see the pictures of the reunion! My yearbooks were probably discarded in one of many moves we've made over the years, so I don't remember everyone--but some of the names are familiar...

Sandee, Thanks so much for writing---I'm looking forward to hearing from you again ;-)

Peggy McWherter Wacker

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From: Diana Ratzlaff
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 13:55:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: MHS Class of 61

Hi Sandee,

Thanks for the info re. our 40th reunion. (It CAN'T have been 40 years!) Unfortunately, we will not be able to attend this time. I'm glad to know that I am now not LOST. Sorry I didn't update our address after our move from Atlanta. Hopefully we'll be able to make the next one. Thanks to you and all the committee members for all your work in getting this together.
Will miss seeing everyone and catching up.
Thanks, again.

Have fun,
Diana Braun Ratzlaff

Subject: Fwd: Reunion
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 00:33:46 EDT
From: Jerry Borisy

Looks like Gary Albers will not make it . Also, I talked with Vic today and he can't be there because of work problems. And Denny Curtis won't make it either...Oh well, I did visit Mayfair for one last try at the marque yesterday , but don't bank on it .......See ya, Jer

Subject: Reunion
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 01:59:49 +0100
From: Gary Albers

Hola, Jer & Joyce:

No, we've decided that we won't be attending the reunion this time, for a variety of reasons. Please say "hi" for me to all those folks. Thanks for having Chic send me the info, which I did receive. Hope it goes well.

--Gary (& Teri)

Subject: Thanks
Date: 1 Aug 2001 13:32:38 PDT
From: robert lesher

Got your letter in the mail today and will drop you this mail note to let you know that I won't be able to attend but thanks for thinking of me while on your search. I think of the old days often and all the fun of growing up where we did, as I look at the missing links it brings back lots of good times and the people that I used to know, so thanks again.

Best Always,
Bob Lesher

August 22, 2001

Mayfair High School Class of 61

Wow, time sure does fly. Just the other day we were in double session at Bellflower High School. The next year Mayfair High School was completed and we were able to create our own true identity.

When looking back, the thing you remember the most about MHS was the people there, faculty, students, and classified personnel. The relationships you had with each segment of the campus. I know I enjoyed MHS, I hope you did also.

The two reunions I enjoyed most (including my own was your 10th and the Class of 1962, 30th. It was very enjoyable to see everyone again.

Sorry, I am unable to attend your 40th reunion as I know all will have a good time.

Go Monsoons,
Bob Bland

Subject: Reunion
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 10:35:17 -0400
From: Judith K. Huber

Hi Barry, Thanks for keeping me posted on the reunion plans. As the time draws nearer, I'm really agonizing over not being able to come. There are some special people I would really like to keep in touch with (you included). This reunion as caused me to recall lots of memories; things I haven't thought about for years. I found class pictures of Mr. Pearce's 6th grade, Mrs. Hubel's 2nd grade, plus others. If you would be interested, I could get them to you. They include many Mayfair graduates. I didn't realize until lately that many of us attended school together for all those years. Wish some more of the missing links could be located. I would really like to find Jo Willett.
...Wish I could be there. I know you'll have a wonderful time. Judy (Nelson)

(Note: The photos have been posted on the web site.)

Subject: reunion
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 20:36:24 -0700
From: Janice Johnson

Hi Barry...This is Jan Johnson (Christensen). Just a note to confirm to you that I sent my quetionnaire via the web site last week. Hope it was received. Also, I sent some pictures today via express mail to 9152 Rosecrans..should be there around 3:00 p.m. tomorrow (9/5). If it's too late to use them I understand. Anyway, use them as you wish. My husband Eddie and I will not be able to attend but we send our wishes for a wonderful weekend.

I'm disappointed that it didn't work out for us to come. Hopefully now at least the class can stay in touch. Thank you for all the commitee's effort in putting this together. God bless us all!

Have fun, Jan J.

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