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55th Reunion?
Saturday, October 1 2016
There has been queries about whether the Class of 61 will be having a 55th reunion. No one seems interested planning a full blown event as we have done in the past, but some discussions have suggested doing something simple. One idea is to pick a nice Embassy Suites hotel, or the like, near OC or Long Beach airport, and basically just having an open cocktail party on Saturday evening. No cost, other than your drinks and hotel room if staying.
Saturday, October 1st has been mentioned as a potential date, since the summer tourism will be over and the hotels should be very available on the weekend.
Also, for those who would like to extend the reunion, there is a four day cruise out of LA on Monday that could make the trip additiionally worthwhile.
If either or both of these options sound like fun, please send an email to with your current email address and phone number.
If there is enough positive feedback, further plans will be made.
The party is on!
Coach Willis and his wife have confirmed their attendance, so all of you get busy making plans and spreading the word. The event is October 1st at the Long Beach Airport Marriot. The hotel has reserved tables for us in their lounge from 6 PM until midnight. Meals and drinks are your choice and paid individually, attendance is free. Several folks have already responded that they will be checking in on Friday, so there will be some extended partying.
If you have any questions, please email me at the above address, or call me. Spread the word and lets have a fun weekend.
The following link can be accessed on-line for reservations.
- Right click on the link below and choose (left click) "open link in new window"
Book your group rate for MAYFAIR HIGH SCHOOL C/O '55 REUNION
Marriott hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
Long Beach Marriott for 149.00 USD per night
Who is Attending?
We probably will not try to keep this up-to-date, but this is a good snapshot to let you know what is going on as of 18 September. The following is a list of responses to our mailing and from people who have contacted me through this site. If your response is not recorded here or if you have yet to respond, DON'T PANIC! We're not going to bar the door if you're not on the list.
Albers, Gary | no |
Anderson, Mary | no |
Ayers, Laura | maybe |
Baloga, Louise | no |
Bank, Joann (Warner) | yes |
Beatty, Jon | yes |
Berlin, Lois | maybe |
Blakeborough, Bill | no |
Bledsoe, Sally | maybe |
Blevens, Larry | yes |
Borisy, Jerry (+1) | yes |
Bousman, Mike | no |
Braden, Marsha | no |
Brakensiek, Patricia | yes |
Burney, Phil | yes |
Butler, Mary | yes |
Byrd, Katherine | no |
Calhoon, Fred | no |
Calkins, Gary (+1) | yes |
Calkins, Mervin | yes |
Cammer, Bonnie | no |
Carole Scanlon | yes |
Caruthers, Marna | no |
Castile, Edward | no |
Castro, Daphne | yes |
Chambers, Howard | no |
Cifer, Cary | maybe |
Christensen, Janice | maybe |
Cooper, Donna | no |
Corrick, Jackie | no |
Cox Mike | maybe |
Cox, Susan | no |
Crockett, Bob | maybe |
Crowe, Judie (+1) | yes |
Crump, Irving | no |
Curtis, Dennis | no |
Dagampat, Palette | yes |
Dahlen, Bernie | maybe |
Daniel, Janet (+1) | yes |
Davidson, Carole | yes |
Davis, Lee | no |
DeGideo,. Sharon | yes |
Devine, John | maybe |
Dickey, Fred | maybe |
Dingwell, Sherry | yes |
Douglas, Jerry | no |
Dudgeon, Jan | maybe |
Falske, Darrel (+1) | yes |
Fields, Joe | no |
Fuller, Jimmy | no |
Gakle, Cheri (Cheryl) | no |
Gannaway, Jo | maybe |
Gantman, Larry | yes |
Garness, Brandice | yes |
Garness, Millard | yes |
George, Bill (+1) | yes |
Gettys, Linda | maybe |
Green, Kay | no |
Greene, Susan | maybe |
Haas, Susan | yes |
Haberman, Ruth | maybe |
Harkema, Joe | yes |
Harlan, William | maybe |
Harski, Tommy (George) | no |
Holman, Susan | no |
Humphrey, Michael | no |
Jackson, Don | no |
Johnson, Gary | yes |
Johnson, Pat | no |
Johnston, Gail | no |
Jones, Dee | yes |
Kite, Suzanne | maybe |
Kollen, Rich | maybe |
Lanz, Steve | no |
Larsen, Steve | yes |
Ledesma, Regina | no |
lewis, sandra | no |
Lona, Fred (+1) | yes |
Mahlendorf, Judith | no |
Marchetti, Connie | no |
marcoe, ronald | no |
Martin, Bill | no |
McClure, Cathy | no |
McDonald, Cheryl | no |
McGowan, Pat | no |
McKettrick, Diane | no |
Miles, Barbara | no |
Miller, Jim (+1) | yes |
Minner, Jerry | maybe |
montgomery, jerry (+1) | yes |
Moore, Barron | maybe |
Murcray, Rod | no |
Neal, Lavonne | maybe |
Nelson, John | maybe |
Norton, Carol | no |
OGG, ANNE | maybe |
O'Neal, John | yes |
Owens, Sheri | maybe |
Patterson, Cher | maybe |
Plank, William | maybe |
Pope, Sandra | maybe |
Py, Larry +1 | yes |
Rabinek, Tom | maybe |
Rhodes, Iris (jeanie) | maybe |
richmond, virginia | no |
Roberts, Phil | maybe |
Robinson, Charlotte | maybe |
Robinson, Mike | yes |
Robinson, Skip | yes |
Roth, Ken | maybe |
Santavicca, Tony | yes |
Schrufer, Janine | maybe |
Selby, Gary | no |
Sena, David | maybe |
seyler, ed | yes |
Simons, Sonja | no |
Singletary, Sheri | no |
Skinner, Laverne Warner | yes |
Smith, Gary | maybe |
Smith, Marina | no |
Snyder, Robert | yes |
Spurlock, Sherry Dingwell | yes |
Steenbergen, Dennis | no |
Storrs, Pattie | maybe |
Storrs, Paula | no |
Swaim, Michael | no |
Sweeney, Frank | no |
Thibodeaux, Corky | no |
Thibodeaux, Skip | yes |
Thompson, Andy | no |
Thompson, Samma | yes |
Thomson, Kathryn | no |
Thorpe, Terry | no |
Tinder, Lee | no |
Towles, Cheryl | no |
Townsend, Pamla | no |
Travato, Pete | maybe |
Turner, Ronald (+1) | yes |
Umbarger, Shirley | maybe |
van Aalsburg, Mary | no |
van Epps, Marsha | no |
Vansteenwyk, Linda | yes |
Versluis, Anna | maybe |
Webb, Bonnie | maybe |
Webb, Kathy | yes |
Weber, Diana | yes |
Weidner, Larry (+2) | yes |
Whitesides, Page | yes |
Wickwire, Chic (+1) | yes |
Willis, Howard (+1) | yes |
Wilson, Joe | no |
Wilson, Lowell | yes |
Wirshing, Glen | no |
Witt, Barry | no |
Woolum, Joe | no |
Woolum, Leona | no |
Wright, Kaye (Kayse) | no |