From "Windjammer", September 30, 1960
Rising Hemlines Viewed by Carole Davidson The fall silhouette has taken on a new look. This new look may have been influenced by a lack of material or by the Roaring 20's, but whatever the cause, the shirt seems to be rapidly creeping up the female leg. The shorter the skirt the better," seems to be the current fashion rage. Bandstand Rates High One of the more popular styles on campus this year is the "Bandstand" skirt which first originated in the east. This particular style was quite popular during the war years in an effort to conserve material for military use. Pleated wool and wool flannel skirts are continuing favorites on the Monsoon campus. Bulky Sweaters Set the Pace The word for sweaters this season is "bulky". Sweater styles are leaning towards the mannish, bulky sweater, but fur blend and dyed-to-match are still great favorites. Alpaca, mohair, and bulky cotton knits are the most popular sweater fabrics this season. Male Influence on Blouse Styles Tunic overblouses and tailored shirts seem to be the tow favorite blouse styles on campus this semester. Long-sleeved Ivy League shirts rate high on the "61" fashion list. The styles this year strictly in the tailored mood. Even shoe styles fall into this category. Suede and dark leathers are predominant. Whatever the styles this year, it is evident that Mayfair coeds are some of the neatest, well dressed girls around. Return to index |