Mayfair 1961 50th Class Reunion

March 30, 2011

Dear Mayfair High School Class of 1961

We are excited to report our 50th Year Reunion is officially here. The Reunion venue is the

Long Beach Airport Marriott
4700 Airport Plaza Drive. — Long Beach, California 90815

Friday, August 5th through August 7, 2011

We are ready to begin gathering commitments from you who would like to attend. Here is your information packet. The information is also available on our website at

Enclosed are: Registration forms including an outline of the Dinner and Dance Plans, Golf Tournament and their cost to you.

Our venue

The elegant and spacious Long Beach Airport Marriott is located in the familiar and nostalgic surroundings of the Long Beach Airport. The Ballroom has a stage for Phil and our Disc Jokey and a lot of adjacent room for dancing. As in 45th, we have another Vic D’Errico-style bar area that can accommodate classmates with refreshments throughout the evening.

The Class of 1961 is extending an invitation to the classes of 1962, 1963 and 1964 to have the Mayfair High School Senior, Junior, Sophomore and Freshman class together again. As in past class of ‘61 Reunions, we would like classmates to invite siblings and good friends. We would love to see them too. Please pass the registration information on to them or simply send Gary Johnson ( their names and email and/or mailing addresses and we’ll take care of it from there.

Important note to the Golfers

Due to a limited number of golf tee time slots, it will be first come first serve. If you’re interested in playing in the Golf Tournament, please send your registration and checks in as soon as possible.

And don’t forget to include:

  1. Your Registration form and check
  2. Your Golf Tournament check
  3. Any Information you have about missing classmates
  4. Names and addresses of Siblings, Friends, etc. who want to attend

We’ll be looking forward to seeing you at the 50th!

Your Reunion Committee...
Phil Burney, Chairman and MC
Chic Wickwire, Treasurer
Sheila Verrips, Graphic Design: Announcements, Logos & Program
Gary Johnson, Classmate Data and Venue Director
Sandee Pope Totten, Classmate Data Director
Barry Witt, Webmaster
Bill Thurman, Director of Reunion Receiving Desk
Paul and Pixie Whitaker, Host of Friday Night Social, Theme
Mike Robinson, Theme Director
Jim Miller, Golf Tournament Director
Millard Garnaas, Golf Tournament
Jerry Borisy, Disc Jockey Director and Theme
Gary Nance, Photography Director
Kim Johnson, Decorations
Steve Larsen
Mike Cox
John Mazurek
Lori Hutchinson Seedeldt
Carole Davidson Scanlon
Frank Meador
John O’Neal


Friday August 5th, 2011

Morning Golf Tournament: Skylinks Golf Course (next to the Marriott)
Evening Informal Social at Long Beach Airport Marriott: Terrace Pavilion. 6-9:30 PM. No host bar. Hosts Paul and Pixie Whitaker

Saturday August 6th, 2011

6:00 PM: Pre Dinner Social
8:00 PM: Reunion Show (Phil Burney MC), Dinner and Dance

Sunday August 7th, 2011
Informal Breakfast Gatherings


Reunion Night $75 singles ... $150 per couple
Includes Dinner, Disc Jockey and Dancing
  Not included Alcoholic dinner drinks and No host bar Reunion night, Informal breakfast gatherings, Golf Tournament 


Golf Tournament $71 per player (check must accompany registration)

Mayfair High School Class of 1961 50th Reunion   


A block of rooms are reserved at the Long Beach Airport Marriott.  4700 Airport Plaza Drive, Long Beach California. Reservations: 1-562-425-5210 Ask for the Mayfair High School Reunion rate. Reunion rate must be received on or before July 22, 2011.

Rate per room: $129.00

50th Class Reunion

Printable MS doc file

Registration form

Name ____________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________ 

Telephone __________________________ Email __________________________________

YES _______ I plan to attend. The number of people in my party will be _________ Enclosed is a check in the amount of $ _________________ to cover my Reunion costs

YES _______ I am staying at the Marriott

NO ________ I will not be staying at the Marriott 

YES _______ I plan to play in the Golf Tournament. The number of people in my party will be _______. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $ ________ ($71 per person) for _____ golfers

NO _______   I cannot attend but send email or other data to:____________________________________

Please make all checks payable to Chic Wickwire — Class of 1961 Reunion.
  Mail direct to: Chic Wickwire.  6096 Eaglecrest Drive, Huntington Beach, California 92648